

Administrative business hours

Monday through Thursday, 10am-3pm US Central Time

Below is our FAQ. Take a look

If you don’t see your question answered here, please submit it using the form below!


Already a member of my online training program?

  • Please visit our course login page for troubleshooting steps.

  • Learn more about my feedback services here.

    My feedback services are only available to course members. The link to where you can purchase this service is in one of the last lessons of your course.

    You can also email us anytime and we'll be happy to send the link. Email us at hello (at) echorivera.com and we'll send you the link!

  • Please reply to one of the emails you received about the course (e.g., welcome email) to let us know. Alternatively, email us at hello (at) echorivera.com.

    IMPORTANT: Please note the admin business hours at the top of the page and allow 3 business days for a reply/update.


Curious about my services & training options?

  • Welcome! I'm so glad you're here.

    đŸ„„ In a nutshell:

    I have a PhD in Community Psychology (Michigan State University) and after ~14 years of research/evaluation experience, I went the non-academic route and started this company (Creative Research Communications).

    I am a presentation trainer/mentor for academics, researchers, and those who went the non-ac path.

    I do not design slides for people. I am here to show you how to design your slides.

    Everything I do is online—we specialize in engaging online learning experiences here.

    I create online courses that will help you create better presentations. I also provide some mentoring services, too.

    My #1 goal is to make YOU an awesome presenter.

    ✹🌈 I have one professional development program called the Presentation Skills Masterclass Series.

    For those who enroll in my online courses, I also offer mentoring services through things like 1:1 Zoom calls and video feedback.

    I also train groups through a flipped model (online course + real time sessions).

  • I take slide design projects on a case by case basis, and recommend this service for extremely high stakes talks such as job talks, teaching demos, keynotes, TEDx talks, etc. Slide design services begin at $5,000 USD for a 45-minute presentation and require a 3 week minimum turnaround time. If you’re interested, email me and we’ll hop on Zoom to chat!

    Another great option is my private zoom training sessions. I will work on your slides during our session and send them back to you when we’re done. That’s a great way to get some of my slide design service at an affordable rate.

    My feedback services are available to those who have completed the first course in my training program. Learn more about my online training program, The Presentation Skills Masterclass Series.

  • I can absolutely help with that.

    Many ask if I have an example job talk or teaching demo, but unfortunately I don’t because they tend to be highly confidential.

    The most effective way for me to work with you on your job talk, teaching demo, or keynote is through my 1:1 zoom sessions.

    In those sessions we work together in real time on your storyboard (the content, the story), slide design, data visualization, and/or delivery.

    Most of the clients who have booked that service needed help with those types of presentations. I’m confident that through a session (or a few sessions) we will create a presentation that meets your career goals.

    My feedback services are only available to those who have completed the first course in my training program (Fail-Proof Slide Design).

    I recommend that you begin the first course at least 1 month before your presentation.

    I have also created a free learning guide specific to job talks and teaching demos.

    And, of course, there are more tips across our blog and YouTube channel.

  • I would love to get on Zoom and work with you on a presentation, or even record a short video where I provide feedback!

    Feedback services are available to those who have completed at least the first course in my online masterclass training.

  • Learn more about my online training program, The Presentation Skills Masterclass Series.


Interested in my group training options?

  • We specialize in providing high quality, engaging online learning experiences.

    We have found that online learning experiences are more accessible and have more of a sustainable impact on improving participants' presentation skills. As such, we do not offer in-person workshops.


Still got questions? No problem! Use this form.

Please allow 2-3 business days for a response. Please note that we do not check email on evenings or weekends.


Some friendly notes before you hit that “submit” button:

I do not accept invites for unpaid speaking opportunities and we do not respond to submissions for things like, “quick questions,” requests to “pick my brain,” or similar.

If you have a question about how to apply what I’ve talked about in my blog, videos, or free course (or want feedback on/help with your project), this is a paid service provided to current online course members and clients only.